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Autumn 1

Welcome back!

The main focus this term is to settle into Year 2, work hard, work together and have fun. Have a look below to see what we will be learning about this term and keep an eye on Class Dojo for extra information and to keep up to date with what we are all up to in school.



We will explore a range of texts linked to our units of learning, by using our Reading for Inference skills.

Books we will be reading:

  • Beegu
  • First book of animals
  • Lost and found
  • Oi cat 
  • The two grannies
  • Meerkat mail
  • I don’t like snakes
  • Gorilla
  • Animal stories


Fiction – Meeting Tale – Billy the Brave Knight

We will be learning the tale of Billy the Brave Knight​, and exploring the features the author has used and the effect they have. We will then learn how to write our own similar meeting tale, which will include a lot of action.

Key vocabulary

Past tense, meeting tale, toolkit, setting, action, adjective, verb, simile, metaphor, adverb, opening, build up, problem, resolution, ending,

Maths - Place Value, Addition and Subtraction

We will focus on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction. In place value, we will be learning how to recognise tens and ones, use a place value chart, partition numbers, write numbers and compare numbers up to 100. In addition and subtraction, we will develop our understanding of adding and subtracting numbers, working towards being able to add and subtract two-digit numbers. We will continue weekly practise of Number and Lightning to develop children's arithmetic skills.  

Key vocabulary

Numbers, place value, biggest, smallest, more, less, addition, subtraction, tens, ones, digit, partition

Science – Animal’s needs for Survival

We will explore animal’s needs for survival, including mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and humans. This will include learning about how humans and animals have basic needs of water, food and air.

Key vocabulary

Survival, mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, humans, needs, food, water, air

Art and design – Formal elements of art

We will explore the formal elements of art: pattern, texture and tone. We will create printed patterns using everyday objects; take rubbings using different media and learn how to make our drawings three dimensional.

Key vocabulary

Tesselation, repeating pattern, overprinting, rubbing, frottage, 3D drawing, dada, surrealism, pop art

History – How were schools different in the past?

We will explore how schools were different in living memory, as well as the 1900s. We will then use our knowledge to compare similarities and differences between schools now and in the past.

Key vocabulary

Past, timeline, date, different, decade, present, important, similar, modern, living memory, evidence, source, beyond living memory, preferred

Music – African Call and Response

We will use instruments to represent animals, copy rhythms, learn a traditional Ghanaian call and response song and recognise simple notation, before progressing to creating call and response.

Key Vocabulary

Rhythms, timbre, dynamics, tempo, call and response, rhythm, structure

PSHE - Family and relationships

We will learn that families are composed of different people who offer each other care and support; how other people show their feelings and how to respond. Looking at conventions of manners and developing an understanding of self-respect

Key vocabulary:

Emotions, family, feelings, friendship, love, manners, respect, stereotype

PE – Multi-skills & Gymnastics

In multi-skills, we will be working on the skills of throwing, catching, running and jumping. In gymnastics, we will develop our gross motor skills by working on balancing, climbing and using our different body parts on apparatus.

Key Vocabulary

Apparatus, throwing, catching, running, jumping, skills, balance, climb

Religion and World Views – Why do we need to give thanks?

We will be using a range of sources including survey data, to learn about beliefs around using offerings to show gratitude. We will also get hands-on with artefacts used during Hindu puja and write lyrics for a song of thanks.

Key vocabulary

Appreciate, autumn, Brahman, Christian, deity, disciple, diva, emotion, express, grateful, gratitude, harvest, Harvest festival, Hindu, hymn, incense, Jesus, Krishna, kum kum, lyrics, mandir, miracle, praise, prashad, pray, provide, puja, Radha, season, sense, shrine, thankful, thankfulness, worship

Key dates:

4.9.23 - Term begins

22.9.23 - Jeans for Genes Day

20.10.23 - Term ends

Website links to support learning:

Please check Dojo at the end of each week to see how you can support your child at home.