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Spring 1

Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.


This term pupils will be focusing on writing a narrative based around a book called Zelda Paw. Pupils will be taught through Pie Corbett’s’ Talk for Writing Approach which ensures that pupils are confident with retelling a story orally before being supported to write a similar version. At the end of the half-term, pupils will then write one independently using all the skills and features they have learnt along the way.


Many grammatical terms and features will be taught through our English lessons but pupils will also take part in separate grammar lessons. Pupils will start by recapping basic punctuation before moving onto apostrophes and subordinate clauses. We will also use these grammar lessons to recap our previous terms learning which was focused on fronted adverbials and word classes.


Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete these sessions but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.


omission   fronted adverbials    determiners    nouns   adjectives    inverted commas   apostrophes    pronouns     possession     subordinate     conjunctions    FANBOYS   contractions 


Guided Reading

Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference which was introduced last year and continued last half-term. Pupils will focus on inference and visualisation, both of which will support the pupils’ ability to unpick and relate to a text. This approach enables the pupils to gain a deeper understanding of what they are reading and helps pupils to learn strategies to support them in becoming good and confident readers. In addition to this, our focus will be on retrieval and ensuring that the evidence used from the text is accurate and specific to the question.


fluency    infer     relate     specific     accurate   relevant   evidence      point     explanation     argument    retrieval  



Initially, pupils will focus on multiplication and division. The first focus is on multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. Pupils will then move on to using the formal methods of short and long multiplication. Within division, we will look not only at the division facts related to our times tables but also at how we can split numbers in order to divide more easily. We looked into this at the end of last half-term, so again it will be about embedding this learning and using it to reason and problem solve.  

Once pupils have become confident with multiplication and division, we will move on to length and perimeter.

Every week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Maths lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a range of reasoning and problem-solving activities.

Times Tables will be a huge focus in class as we prepare for the multiplication check in May. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.


Multiplication      division     share      divide     multiply    split    remainder     length    unit      perimeter     area     polygon

Other Subjects


Our topic this half-term is Living Things and Their Habitats. Within this topic, we will look at different habitats and how animals have adapted to suit the ever-changing environment. Pupils will also look at grouping animals and plants based on their characteristics. As well as this, pupils will look at plastic pollution and how our littering and way of living is affecting our oceans.


Animals      plants     habitats     environment     adapt / adaptation     characteristics    classification     similarities     differences   plastic    oceans  



We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and our topic is Creating Media: Website Design. Within this unit, pupils will gain a strong understanding of how the Internet works and how websites are created. Pupils will look to develop their own website and four web pages based on a specific topic.


Internet      website    webpage    tabs    create    embed    content    hyperlink    insert    picture    caption    homepage    images    google sites    audience   



Our topic this half-term is citizenship. This topic will look at Human Rights, how everyone needs to play their part in looking after the environment, the various groups with the community and the role of local councillors.


Citizenship      environment     authority    community    reuse    cabinet    diversity   Human Rights    protect    volunteer  


Religious Education

Our topic within RE is People of God – What is it like to follow God? Pupils will look at the story of Noah and how it must have felt to be stuck on the Ark for so long. Pupils will also look at the promises that Christians make to God and how they live whilst adhering to these.


Christianity    Ark     promises    rules    commitment    Noah    sacrifice   covenant   Old Testament   commands    worship   


Physical Education

Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on O.A.A (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) and the other on Dance.


Outdoor Adventurous Activities - this will get the pupils working together in order to reach a certain goal or solve a situation that they are posed with. They will also be looking at orienteering and map skills.



Team work    co-operation    target    orienteering   maps    compass    direction   pulse    heart rate   preparation    warm up    cool down   resilience     determination    analyse   resolve    adapt   tweak     


Dance - pupils will learn a range of skills and dance moves that they will link together. Pupils will choreograph their own sections using both moves they have been taught and moves that they choreograph.


Dance    choreograph    beat    transition      rhythm    performance    rehearse     static    dynamic   counting    evaluate    improve   adapt    levels     speed    patterns    links    canon    gestures   sharp   smooth continuous    rigid   dynamics



In History, we are focusing on Roman Britain. Within this topic we will be looking at the Roman’s invading Britannia, Caratacus, Boudicca, the Roman town of Aquae Sulis, Hadrian’s Wall and Black Romans in Britain.


Britannia     Veni, Vedi, Vici     Invasion    Celtric tribes    Claudius     chreftain    Caratacus   warriors   ambushed    captured   forces   fort   ascend   breast-plates   defeat   placed in chains    heavy taxes   revenge    capital city    Colchester   stationed    revolt    Iceni   Boudicca    Army    Londinium   Watling Street    Aquae Sulis    fortune   strigil    hypocaust    furnaces   palestra   intersecting    aqueducts   forum   basilica   temple   theatre    frontier     Hadrian   Hadrian’s Wall     garrison 



In Geography, we will be looking at Coastal Processes and Landforms. Within this topic we will focus in on erosion, the Jurassic Coast, Coastal habitats and the Indian Ocean.


Coastline   waves   erosion    transport   transportation    groynes    depositing    deposition   landforms   bay    cliffs   headland     shingle    Juassic Coast   preserved   fossils    cave   arch   stack   habitat   rock pools   sand dunes   teeming   coral reefs    Cardigan Bay.


Modern Foreign Languages 

The topic in French this half-term is adjectives of colour, size and shape. Pupils will be able to use a range of vocabulary to describe various of items in French before then creating their own Art work in the style of Matisse.


Rouge    jaune    blanc    orange    brun    et   c’est de quelle    couleur    l’ar –en-ciel   bleu    vert    noir    rose    violet   c’est   marron    cercle   rectangle   triangle 

Design and Technology

This half-term we are focused on pneumatics. Pupils will be creating their own sea creature which will was open and close in response to an increase or decrease in air pressure.


Pneumatic     increase    decrease   inflate    deflate     plan     draft   amend    evaluate



Our focus in Music is Changing Pitch, Tempo and Dynamics. Pupils will listen and create different types of music to represent various emotions and scenarios. The final compilation will focus on a river and pupils will work together to create a series of sounds that represent the running of the water.


A cappella   dynamics   listen    tempo   percussion   breathing   harmony    texture    ostinato    layer.

Useful websites:

Key Dates:

Thursday 5th January – Start of Spring Term

Thursday 9th February – Valentines Disco

Friday 10th February – Last day of term.