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Spring 1

English: Writing

The main areas of focus for our narrative writing will be developing our use of a range of devices to build cohesion within and across a paragraph – adverbials of time and place and further developing accuracy when utilising a wider range of punctuation taught at Upper KS2 – “”,,()—‘;!?’

The main areas of focus for our non-narrative writing will be selecting persuasive language and techniques that show a good awareness of the reader and using a range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs. This will include the use of higher order connective phrases.

Click here for creative writing guides

Click here for BBC Bitesize Grammar

Guided Reading/Reading for Inference

Within our guided reading sessions, the children will explore ideas around forming opinions, inferring meaning using evidence from the text to explain key ideas and identifying whether statements are true or false, or fact or opinion. Please continue to support your child by ensuring they read for a minimum of 15 minutes a day, either to themselves or to somebody else.

Click here for the top 100 books for Y6 children to read

Maths: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

In Maths, we will complete our work on fractions before moving onto decimals – dividing and multiplying and converting between fractions, decimals, and percentages. There will be a recap on rounding to 1dp, 2dp and 3dp followed by learning to work out percentages, make conversions and find fractions and percentages of amounts. This will include working with decimals and fractions in real world contexts – linked to measures including money.

Once this is complete, our focus will be Algebra where we will be following and finding rules, using expressions and solving equations with unknown values.

Click here for TT Rockstars

Click here for Nrich reasoning and problem solving

Click here for Maths is Fun games and puzzles

Science: Variation and Adaptation Including Fossils

During this topic, we will learn to Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. The children will explore the concept that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally, offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Afterwards, they will consider and explain how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. 

Vocabulary: recognise evolution inheritance offspring adaptation environment genes characteristics identical variation reproduce genetics

Click here for BBC Bitesize Science

Other Curriculum Areas

Geography: Energy and Climate Change

We will learn about:

  • How Britain produces its energy
  • The impact of offshore wind farms
  • The impact of nuclear energy production
  • The key causes and effects of climate change
  • What we can do about climate change

Vocabulary: solar panels generate energy mix emissions net zero solar power renewable non-renewable tidal power wave power geothermal power biofuel potential knot prevailing grind national grid electricity pylons offshore onshore wind farm planning permission controversial visual pollution opinion priorities justify controversy reasoned reactor access uranium atomic byproduct reactors radioactivity High Court methane Paris Agreement implement meltwater acidification tornadoes vulnerable wildfires intense conserve Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sustainable Development Goals afforestation saplings insulation heat pumps surplus


Computing – Online Safety

Learning how to navigate the Internet in an informed, safe and respectful way creating a positive online reputation. We will explore how to report and capture inappropriate material or behaviour and learn how to protect online accounts through passwords, settings and recognising scams.

Vocabulary: anonymity antivirus biometrics block and report consent copy digital footprint digital personality financial information hacking inappropriate malware online bullying online reputation password paste personal information personality phishing privacy settings private reliable source  report reputation respect scammers screengrab

Religion and World Views: Why is it better to be there in person?

Through this unit, the children will be exploring significant religious and non-religious journeys and pilgrimages and why going to a particular place is so important to some people.

Vocabulary: Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa Al-Masjid Al-Haram Annunciation Arafah Ark of the covenant atheist condemned convention doctrines Dome of the Rock entombed Hajj Ihram Isra' Jerusalem Ka'bah Makkah martyrdom Mi'raj obligation pilgrimage qiblah Rami al-Jamarat relic resurrected Sa'I secular significant spirituality Tawaf Temple Mount The Night Journey The Prophet Muhammad Via Dolorosa Western Wall

Physical Education: Outdoor Adventurous Activities/Gymnastic

Content to be Confirmed

Music: Theme and Variations (Kapow)

In this unit, the children will perform rhythms and identify the sounds of different instruments and discuss what they sound like. When looking at art, they will make suggestions about which instruments can be matched to which pieces of art and recall the names of several instruments according to their orchestra sections. They will through performance develop their ability to keep the pulse with the body percussion section and sing with growing control and confidence. When recording music, the children will draw the rhythms accurately and show a difference between each of their variations, showcasing the finished product.

Vocabulary: 3/4 time 4/4 time accidentals body percussion diaphragm legato motif orchestra percussion phrases pitch pizzicato pulse quaver rhythm rhythmic elements section semi-quaver staccato tempo theme TIKI-TIKI, TI-TIKI, TIKI-TI translate variations vocal line woodwind


Modern Foreign Languages - Numbers and Counting

In this unit we will be learning how to:

  • Read and calculate Maths sums correctly in French.
  • Say the numbers to 31 in French.
  • Say all the days of the week, working out the words for the days that are yesterday and today.
  • Match most of the French months to their English equivalents.
  • Ask when someone’s birthday is and give the number and month of their own birthday.
  • Say the seasons of the year.
  • Translate the date from English to French.
  • Say the similarities and differences between birthdays in the UK and France.

Vocabulary:  onze douze treize quatorze seize dix-sept dix-huit dix-neuf vingt vingt-et-un tenter un anniversaire

PSHE - Safety and the Changing Body

In this unit, the children will learn about the effect of drugs such as alcohol and caffeine on the body, how to keep themselves safe online and when using social media. In addition, we will learn about the changes that occur during puberty, conception, pregnancy and childbirth.  A letter will be sent out to parents explaining the full content of this unit.

We will also learn about basic first aid. 

Vocabulary: Much of the vocabulary within this unit is of an age-appropriate nature, so it will not be shared here.

Art - Clay Sculptures -  Sculpture and 3D: Making memories

The children will be exploring 3D art and sculpture within this unit. They will study a range of different styles of sculpture before using Nick Parks’ Creature Comforts creations for inspiration for making their own clay animals.

Vocabulary: clay sculpture line shape form style reduction slip texture