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Summer 1

Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.


Pupils will be working towards producing their own persuasive text this term. This will be based on our class book – ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by Malorie Blackman. This book will allow for a lot of discussion and debates to take place, as pupils will be encouraged to voice their own opinions as well as taking onboard those of their peers. Pupils will be able to explore a range of features and devices in order to offer both sides to an argument. In addition to this, as pupils follow along with the story, they will put themselves in the characters’ shoes and write diary entries, letters and recounts in the build up to their final write. 


Many grammatical terms and features will be taught through our English lessons but pupils will also take part in separate Grammar lessons. The big focus this half-term will be apostrophes, for both omission and possession. We will also recap previous word classes and features taught to consolidate the learning that has taken place in both previous years and Year 4 thus far.  


Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete sessions but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.

narrative   inverted commas   perspective     tense     apostrophe    omission    possession      plural       singular      word class      determiner     pronoun     clause    audience        structure      
Guided Reading

Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference which was introduced last year. Pupils will look to use all the skills taught across the year such as retrieval, prediction, inference, visualisation and VIP words to gain a deep understanding of a given text. Pupils will also look at how to structure their responses to questions.  


Fluency    key word      important     specific    recover    meaning     relate     relationship    annotate  unpick     understand    evidence    relevant    accurate  visualisation    inference     prediction     summarise      conclude    

Pupils will start off the term by working on decimals. This will include rounding decimals, adding to make a whole, comparing and ordering and becoming confident in quarter and half equivalents. After spending a few weeks on this, we will move on to money, which includes various skills such as converting between pounds and pence, adding and subtracting amounts and giving change. Finally, before the end of the half term we will start to look at time with a focus on telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

Every week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Math’s lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a series of deepening and enriching tasks.

Times Tables will be a huge focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.


Decimal    tenth    hundredth    rounding    whole   quarter    half    money     change    pence     pounds     coins    notes    symbol    amount    analogue    digital    o clock    quarter past     half past     past      too   

Other Subjects


We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and will be focusing on Computational Thinking. Pupils will be looking at decomposition and how this can be used to solve problems. Pupils will use their learning to look at and identify patterns and create their own algorithms on Scratch.


Computational thinking      decomposition        algorithm     abstraction     code         script        sequence       input     output      logical reasoning       pattern      variable   


Citizenship will be the focus for the start of the term as we look at human rights, being a good citizen and caring for the environment and diverse communities. Towards the end of the half-term, we will move onto Safety and the Changing Body. Within this we will be looking at the effects of smoking and internet safety.


Social media     age restriction    law    legal     point of view    reason    for    against   debate    digital age of consent    sharing     internet   Airway    trachea      lungs    triggers    inhaler   medicine    larynx     inhale    exhale     inflate     deflate  

Religion and World Views.

Our topic within RE is Why is the Bible the Best-Selling Book of all Time? More information to follow.


Christianity    Kingdom of God     Pentecost     Holy bible              


Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on Athletics and the other on Outdoor Adventurous Activities.

Athletics -  pupils will try a selection of different events that fall within Athletics such as sprinting, relay, long distance, shot put, long jump and triple jump. Within each of these, pupils will get the chance to evaluate their own and others' performances and will look for ways to improve.


Athletics       long jump      triple jump     hop     skip     jump     pit     propulsion     force     relay      baton     exchange     handover       track    lane      transfer of weight     aim     direction     evaluate      analyse     adapt      modify     improve     adjust      


OAA - this will get the pupils working together in order to reach a certain goal or solve a situation that they are posed with. They will also be looking at orienteering and map skills.


Team work    co-operation    target    orienteering   maps    compass    direction   pulse    heart rate   preparation    warm up    cool down   resilience     determination    analyse   resolve    adapt   tweak     


In History, we are focusing on Roman Britain. Within this topic we will be looking at the Roman’s invading Britannia, Caratacus, Boudicca, the Roman town of Aquae Sulis, Hadrian’s Wall and Black Romans in Britain.


Britannia     Veni, Vedi, Vici     Invasion    Celtric tribes    Claudius     chreftain    Caratacus   warriors   ambushed    captured   forces   fort   ascend   breast-plates   defeat   placed in chains    heavy taxes   revenge    capital city    Colchester   stationed    revolt    Iceni   Boudicca    Army    Londinium   Watling Street    Aquae Sulis    fortune   strigil    hypocaust    furnaces   palestra   intersecting    aqueducts   forum   basilica   temple   theatre    frontier     Hadrian   Hadrian’s Wall     garrison 

In French this half term, we will be looking at numbers, birthdays and calendars. Pupils will learn numbers up to 31, be able t recall the names of the months and also talk about their birthday.  


Onze   douze    Treize  quatorze    seize   dix-sept    dis-huit dix-neuf   vingt    vingt-et-un   trente    un anniversaire


Music will be taught through a programme called Kapow and our topic is all Samba and Carnival sounds and instruments. Pupils will learn to recognise different Samba sounds and rhythms before composing their own piece of music in groups.


Brazil    Carnival    Samba Batucada    cowbell    agogo     chocalho     ganza    caixa    rhythm     texture    dynamics    offbeat     syncopation     pulse     beat    


Science this term will all be focused on sound. Pupils will learn how sounds are created and how we hear them. Pupils will look at how sound waves vary depending on the pitch of the sound being produced.


Pitch    waves    frequency   vibration   particles    source    travel    dissipate    volume   sound  


Our topic in Art is Every Picture Tells a Story. The pupils will develop their ability to analyse, unpick and understand works of art, using inference to suggest what different subjects may be thinking or feeling and predicting what might be happening in a scene and could happen next. They also have the opportunity to create their own photo collages and abstract art inspired by the work explored.


analyse    unpick    describe    evaluate    infer    feelings   explore     create    relate    prediction    emotions       

Links to learning sites

Key dates:

Summer term starts – Monday 15th April 2024

Peterborough Museum Trip – Tuesday 23rd April 2024.

May day (school closed) – Monday 6th May 2024

Last day of term – Friday 24th May 2024.