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Summer 1 - 2024

2024 Summer 1 – Revision Focus

Welcome to the first half of the Summer Term 2024; here is an overview of key learning areas this half-term. As we have the end of KS2 Sats to complete this term, our focus is very much on preparing the children fully and revisiting areas of the English, Maths and Science curriculum that need further development or to deepen understanding. Norwood Primary School and the Year 6 team would like to take this opportunity to assure you that there is no pressure associated with these assessments and all we would ever expect of the children is that they remain relaxed, display a growth-mind-set and simply endeavour to do their very best. Rest assured we are already proud of the progress and achievements of your children in every aspect of the curriculum both in and out of school, and greatly value their wider ongoing contributions to the Norwood School Community.

English: Writing

Our non-narrative piece will be journalistic writing (An Interview with Lighthouse Keeper) where the children will develop their ability to select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires, including; modal verbs, active/passive voice and use of complex sentences.

Our narrative writing will be based on the story Tuesday by David Weisner. We will use all the techniques we have learnt this year including: describing settings and characters to create atmosphere; selecting language that shows good awareness of the reader; integrating dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance the action and demonstrate the use of the range of punctuation taught at KS2 – “”,,()—‘;!?’

English: Reading

Within our guided reading sessions using short stories, the children will explore ideas around the author's use of a character’s speech and actions to convey meaning in fiction texts – in particular the emotions they portray. We will also look more closely at fact and opinion, true and false and summarising in non-fiction texts.

Please continue to support your child by ensuring they read for a minimum of 10 minutes a day, either to themselves or to somebody else, and ensuring they have their reading diaries signed daily.

Click here for creative writing guides

Click here for BBC Bitesize Grammar

Maths: Application

In Maths, we will complete the curriculum coverage for Y6 by exploring angles and angle geometry within shapes before learning about coordinates and transformations.

Following this, we will be revisiting previously taught aspects of the maths curriculum to further deepen understanding. This will be achieved though providing rich and engaging problem-solving tasks and investigations. In addition to this, we will be improving arithmetic fluency and revisit work with fractions, decimals and percentages.

Vocabulary: acute, obtuse, reflex, opposite, parallel, perpendicular, quadrilateral, isosceles, equilateral, translate, transform, reflect, rotate, scale

Click here for TT Rockstars

Click here for Nrich reasoning and problem-solving

Click here for Maths is Fun games and puzzles

Science - Forces

In Science, we will be revising forces and a main focus will be around designing, carrying out and evaluating fair tests and working scientifically. The children will explore magnetism, pushes and pulls, gravity, resistance, friction and up thrust.

Vocabulary: magnetism, attract, repel, pushes, pulls, gravity, resistance, friction, up thrust, accelerate, decelerate, surface area, measure, accurately, mean, statistic, comparative, constant,

Click here for BBC Bitesize Science

Other Curriculum Areas

MFL French – The Weather

In this unit, the children will be learning phrases to describe the weather and vocabulary for the compass points; counting from 1-100 in multiples of ten; combining this knowledge to make statements about what the temperature is in different parts of France and to deliver a weather forecast. The unit culminates in a French science lesson, where the children explore the water cycle and recognise scientific cognates.

PE – Athletics and Tennis

In tennis, children will develop their agility, balance and coordination within racket games. They will learn about and develop a range of different shots and apply these to competitive game situations. Throughout this unit, a major focus will be on body positioning and hand-eye coordination.

In athletics, children will develop their skills in a range of track and field events, including sprinting techniques, maintaining a steady and constant pace for longer distances and managing stride patterns in hurdles. They will also develop their techniques for a range of throwing events such as the hammer, discus and javelin and jumping events such as the long jump, triple jump and standing long jump.

Vocabulary: stance, balance, stride length, counter-balance, timing, forehand, backhand, volley, smash, top spin, slice.

Computing – The History of Computers

In this unit, the children will be learning about the history of computers and how they have evolved over time. They will then use their understanding of historic computers to design a computer of the future, use search and word processing skills to create a presentation and plan, record and edit sound recordings for a specific purpose.

Vocabulary: gigabyte, GPU, graphics, hard drive, kilobyte, megabyte, memory, storage, mouse, operating system, overlay, radio play, RAM, record, ROM, script, Smartphone, sound clip, sound effect, terabyte, touch screen, track, trackpad

PSHE – Economic Wellbeing

In this unit, the children will be learning about navigating feelings connected to money, keeping money safe, managing finances in secondary school, understanding the risks of gambling, considering careers in various workplaces, and identifying paths to pursue different careers.

Vocabulary: gambling, growth-mindset, PIN, qualities, responsibility, skill