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Summer 2


This term’s writing focus is on discussion texts. We will learn to recognise and use structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms. We will learn to use semicolons, colons and dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses.

Pupils should continue to use Bedrock at least twice a week at home to support with their vocabulary and grammar - it is also our aim to access this resource daily in school.

Vocabulary: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, clause, colon, semicolon, dashes, paragraph, rhetorical question, subjunctive voice, passive voice

Guided Reading - Reading for Inference 

We will use a variety to texts - both fiction and non-fiction -  to enable us to apply our learning to a range of question types, and to make links between different books and our own growing general knowledge. We will continue to use text annotation as a method of exploring a text, and will build on our retrieval and inference reading skills. In order to support your child with both their grammar and reading at home, please use the following links:


This term we will be learning about negative numbers, converting units and volume. We will be using Number and Lightning as the basis of our knowledge to support our arithmetic skills. Pupils will be taught operations in depth and will be tasked with using these in a variety of different contexts. 

Vocabulary: decimal, decimal places, complements, negative number, multiples, convert, unit, kilogram (kg), kilometre (km), millimetres (mm), millilitres (ml), metre (m), metric, imperial, hours, minutes, seconds, cubic, volume, capacity

Homework will continue to be set from the White Rose Maths Practice Journal. In order to support your child with their times table knowledge at home and with arithmetic in general, please use the following links:


Our final Science exploration in Year 5 will about sexual reproduction in animals, linking with our RSE and PSHE learning this term. We will also be learning about what plastic pollution and global warming are and their impact on our planet.

Vocabulary: sexual reproduction, fertilisation, embryo, sperm cells, egg cells, parent, plastic pollution, habitat, landfill, global warming, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, climate change, glacier, habitat, carbon footprint


The focus of our RSE learning this term is Safety and the Changing Body. We will be exploring the emotional and physical changes of puberty, including menstruation; learning about online safety, influence, strategies to overcome potential dangers and how to administer first aid to someone who is bleeding. 

Vocabulary: puberty, genitals, menstruation, period, ovary/ovaries, breast, fallopian tubes, uterus, scrotum, sperm duct, testicles/testes

Geography: Migration

In our Geography learning this term, we will learn what migration is and understand it through a case study. We will consider what makes people migrate, and how migration changes places.  

Vocabulary: migrate, migration, migrant, immigrant, emigrate, emigrant, internal, international, border, voluntary, involuntary, temporary, permanent, asylum, belonging

Religion and Worldviews

Our Religion and Wordviews learning this term will focus on exploring a new Big Question: Why are some places in the world significant to believers?


We will have all of our PE lessons outdoors in Summer 2. We will be playing Danish Long ball. We will be working on our ball throwing and catching techniques. In Summer 2, Year 5 have a wonderful opportunity to learn to be play leaders for younger pupils. Once we have practised our coaching skills, we will be helping to run a Year 1 PE festival on our school field. Our other focus is on Athletics, practising the events we will participate in at this year’s Sports Day in July.

Vocabulary: Ultimate Frisbee, air bounce, fore hand, back hand, grip, boundary, Danish Long Ball, bowler, batter, fielder, kicker, athletics, track, field,

Computing: Online Safety

In Computing, we will continue our Online Safety during our class assembly time. We will consider online protection, online communication, online reputation, online bullying, and online health.

Vocabulary: accurate information, advice, Apps, App permissions, application, bullying, communication, emojis, health, in-app purchases, information, judgement, memes, mental health, mindfulness, mini-biography, online communication, opinion, organisation, password, personal information, positive contributions, private information, real world, strong password, summarise, support, trusted adult, wellbeing


In our art lessons in Summer 2, we will be designing for a purpose. We will be developing design ideas for a room interior, a coat of arms and product to fit a given name. We will learn to draw inspiration from different sources and use a range of techniques to experiment with our different concepts.

Vocabulary:  client, collaborative, design brief, font, heraldry, logo, pitch, presentation, prototype, sketch, slogan, soundbite, template, urban, USP


Our music learning this term will focus on South and West African music. We will learn to sing, play and dance to a traditional song ‘Shosholoza’, which is sung in Ndebele, the language spoken by the Bantu people.

Vocabulary: chord, chord progression, major chords, break, call and response, a cappella, soloist, duo

Important dates for this term: 

Term begins: 03/06/24

Photos: 06/06/24

Dress Down Day: 07/06/24

National Sports Week: 17/06/24 – 21/06/24

Summer Fayre: 26/06/24

End of Year disco: 17/07/24

End of term: 19/07/24