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Autumn 2

Unit of Learning : WWII

We will continue studying WWII and our focus for this half term will be the events of The Holocaust. Over the half term, we will learn about The Holocaust and complete a case study of people it affected. This will support our writing units This learning will take place as part of our English lessons and is separate to our History topic, which you can find further down the page. Our class reading book will be Rose Blanche by CHristoph Gallaz andRoberto Innocenti.

Click here for further Fiction texts with a WWII Theme

Vocabulary: holocaust, persecution, final solution, concentration camps, genocide, racism, humanity, liberation

Click here for BBC Bitesize WWII Video Clips

Click here for DK Find Out WWII

Click here for Primary Homework Help

English:  Writing

Vary sentence openers, balance of short, compound, complex sentences and clauses.’

 ‘integrate dialogue in narratives to convey character and advance the action’

‘Use range of punctuation taught at KS2 – “”,,()—‘;!?’


Chronological reports – Holocaust and Diary Writing

During our writing this term, the children will learn to use a range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs with a focus on conjunctions and connectives to extend sentences and add detail. Within this unit, they will also select vocabulary and grammatical structures that reflect what the writing requires – this will include the use of modal verbs and active/passive voice.  Through both units, an additional focus will be formality of language.


Within our narrative writing, the children wil build upon the skills they developed last half term where our focus was setting the scene and character descriptions. The focus for this unit will be to vary sentence openers and use a balance of short, compound, complex sentences and clauses. They will also begin to successfully integrate dialogue in the narrative to convey character and advance the action using the  range of punctuation taught at KS2 – “”,,()—‘;!?’

In addition to this, the children will continue to develop their use VCOP to highlight key aspects of their writing in order to edit and improve it (Vocabulary - orange, Connectives - green, Openings - yellow, Punctuation – pink.) 

Alongside these lessons, pupils will take part in regular Grammar and Spelling lessons in order to build up their confidence and personal word banks. 

To support this at home, try these following links:

Click here for creative writing guides

Click here for BBC Bitesize Grammar

Vocabulary:  full stop, comma, colon, hyphen, apostrophe, sentence opener, sentence structure, embedded clause, conjunction, fronted adverbial, relative clause, connective, formal/informal, modal verbs, omissions/contractions, coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction

Guided Reading/Reading for Inference

Within our guided reading and Reading for Inference sessions, we will further develop and practise each Reading for Inference skill that we learnt last half-term across a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. The focus will be on identifying when the meaning breaks down and exploring techniques and strategies to fix the break-down. We will also look closely at inferring meaning from the text about specific characters and their feelings and motivations through exploring their speech and actions.

To support with their reading at home, pupils should access Bedrock and Read Theory.

Vocabulary: Visualise, Background knowledge, Breakdown, VIP words, GIST, Thinking like a detective, inference, retrieval, language, author

Click here for the top 100 books for Y6 children to read


This half-term, we will be learning about fractions and measures. This will involve a mix of recapping and consolidating learning from last year as well as introducing new concepts for Year 6. This will include exploring and finding equivalent fractions, comparing and ordering fractions and calculating with fractions. Having mastered these skills, the children will then learn how to calculate with mixed numbers and integers.

Within measure, the children will build on their knowledge of coordinates by finding, plotting and predicting coordinates based on given vertices and learn to work within all four quadrants. They will also explore how to transform shapes on a coordinate grid by translating and reflecting shapes.

Parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines.

As part of this learning, we will also be developing our reasoning and problem-solving skills. We will be using White Rose Hub to explore a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract concepts within our learning.

In addition to this, the children will continue to take part in weekly Number and Lightning learning to develop our speed and accuracy in arithmetic.

In order to support with this at home, please use the following links:

Click here for TT Rockstars

Click here for Nrich reasoning and problem solving

Click here for Maths is Fun games and puzzles

Vocabulary: numerator, denominator, mixed number, improper fraction, the lowest common denominator, product, factor, multiple, compare, order, ascending, descending, integer, equivalent, coordinate, origin, axis, positive, negative, transform, translate, reflect.

Science: Light

Through this topic, the children will learn that light appears to travel in straight lines and use this idea to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. They will use this knowledge to explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes. We will experiment with light to learn and explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them and how the size of a shadow changes in relation to the distance and angle between the light source and the object. The children will also look at the different properties of light and experiment with whether objects are transparent, translucent or opaque and how these properties can be useful.

Vocabulary: light, source, manmade, natural, travel, refection, absorb, transparent, translucent, opaque, fair test, shadow

Click here for BBC Bitesize Science

Other Curriculum Areas

Computing – Programming with Scratch

Bletchley Park is considered the home of modern computing. We will discover the history of Bletchley and learn about code breaking and password hacking. We will also have the opportunity to demonstrate some of our digital literacy skills by creating presentations about historical figures.

Vocabulary: acrostic code, brute force hacking, Caesar cipher, chip and pin system, cipher, date shift cipher, encrypt, invention, Nth letter cipher, password, pigpen cipher, secure, technological advancement, trial and error

RE – Who is Jewish and how do they live?

We will be learning about the religion of Judaism and how Jewish people live, including objects that you may find in their house and place of worship. We will explore different questions that children come up with during lessons. 

Vocabulary: Judaism, Jewish, Synagogue, Star of David, Torrah, Shawl, Kippah, Seder plate, Menorah, Hanukkah 

MFL - French - Actions

We will be exploring how to describe different actions in French.

Vocabulary: Laughing, Crying, Talking, Walking, Running, Dancing, Singing 

Music - Fingal's Cave by Mendelssohn

In Music, the children will engage in discussion about the sounds of an orchestral piece and have a selection of varied vocabulary in response to what they hear. In their performance, they will learn to change dynamics and pitch, differentiating between the two and take the role of conductor or follow a conductor. They will change texture within their group improvisation and talk about its effect and create a graphic score to represent sounds.

PSHE - Health and Wellbeing

The children will learn to describe the importance of relaxation and suggest different strategies in order to explain how they take care of their physical wellbeing. As part of this, they will learn that technology can have an impact on physical and mental health and know some strategies they can use to overcome this and describe what resilience is, why it is important and some useful resilience strategies. In addition, we will look at how vaccination works and why it is important to individuals and understand that habits can be good or bad for health. They will understand that changes in their body, including mood, could indicate illness and know what to do if they notice them.

History – Christianity in 3 Empires

In History we will be learning about Christianity through certain historical periods and empires. We will learn about the following areas:

Chapter Christians in the Roman Empire- Chapter 1 Vocabulary -  Bethlehem three wise men frankincense myrrh miracles forgiveness rose from the dead converted baptised sins shepherd persecution persecute incense disloyal suspicious amphitheatres memorial martyrs

Chapter 2 Emperor Constantine makes big Changes - Chapter 2 Vocabulary -official religion Constantine rivals vision Byzantium Byzantine Empire Constantinople harbour culture mosaic chains 

Chapter 3 The Byzantie Empire Continues -  Chapter 3 Vocabulary -  Goths Huns Visigoths sacked marble hippodrome stadium Justinian code innocent law courts rights Empress Theodora court halo baptismal font

Chapter 4 An African Empire: Aksum -  Chapter 4 Vocabulary -  Aksum plateau terraces lowlands Adulis caravan export ivory tusks perfumes Yemen mints

Chapter 5 A High and Holy Place -  Chapter 5 Vocabulary - state Ethiopia preserve perilous hewn saints sacred rock-hewn

Chapter 6 How Aksum became a Christian State -  Chapter 6 Vocabulary - shipwreck Ezana bishop patriarch erected stela Professor

Geography – Tourism

In Geography we will be looking at the Tourism and the impact of humans on the environment.

Chapter 1 Seaside - Chapter 1 Vocabulary - seaside seaside towns pier amusements Llandudno paddle deckchair sandcastle Punch and Judy promenade hotels guest houses

Chapter 2 Types of Tourism - Chapter 2 Vocabulary - tourists tourism activity cultural income souvenirs tourist industry

Chapter 3 Mountian Adventure- Chapter 3 Vocabulary - Matterhorn minimum maximum skis ski-slope ski-lift advantage disadvantages environment

Chapter 4 Changing Tourism - Chapter 4 Vocabulary -destination airports airlines

Chapter 5 Summer in the Sun - Chapter 5 Vocabulary - sunshine holiday mainland travel agencies package holidays accommodation apartments air pollution

Chapter 6 Sustainable Tourism - Chapter 6 Vocabulary - services economy sustainable sustainability coral reef ecotourism

PE - Basketball and Health and Fitness

In basketball, we will be playing competitive games, working on tactics and analysing our performances.

Vocabulary: Dribble, pass, shoot, defend, attack, mark, evade, space, angle, lift, 

In Health and Fitness, we will be exploring the impact of exercise on our bodies - this will be strongly linked to PSHE this term

Vocabulary: exercise, pulse rate, blood flow, stretch, wellbeing, routine, performance

Design and  & Technology - Celebrating Culture and Seasonality

In D & T, the children will be learning how to make pizza. They will evaluate different products, experiment with designs and combine ideas to create, write and follow their own recipe to make their perfect pizza. Within this they will learn about food hygiene and how to measure and combine ingredients.

Vocabulary: hygiene, nutrition, healthy eating, varied, diet, recipe, utensils, equipment, accurate, measure, combine