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Norwood School currently have vacancies on their Governing Body.
If you are interested in becoming one of our governors, please contact school to discuss this further - 01733 574717.

The governing body would like to offer you a warm welcome to the governors section of the school website.

The governing body fulfils it's role through full governing body meetings and a number of 'Governor Days' across the school year. It is there to support the school and to be the 'critical friend'. Visits to the school are made by governors on both formal and informal occasions.

All governors at Norwood school are highly committed to its success. Many have had a long association with the school and some were pupils themselves. All share in the strong caring ethos and the desire for all pupils to achieve their academic, social and emotional potential.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with parents/carers.

If you wish to contact the governors, this can be done either by sending a letter (via the school office) or email  Please mark any correspondence for the attention of either Chair of Governors- Chris Sutton or Clerk to the Governing Body-Isabel Clark.

A school governor duties include:

  • setting the strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the budget
  • reviewing progress against the budget and objectives
  • challenging and supporting senior staff
  • playing a part in appointing staff

The governing body in schools and colleges is made up of:

  • staff representatives
  • community governors, including parents or students
  • other local sponsors, like businesses

Governing bodies make their decisions based on the advice of committees. Governing bodies in schools and colleges are accountable for:

  • the use of public funds
  • the quality of education provided
  • the wider contribution to the community

The full governing body meets approximately 6 times per academic year for our Full Governing Body meetings with at least 4 full Governor Days in school each year which are scheduled for Mondays.

Our Governing Body, as well as meeting as a Full Governing Body, have 2 committees.

The Resources Committee focusses upon finance, health and safety, personnel and any related policies.


Chris Sutton

Vice Chair

Lisa Andrews


Helen Barsham

Deborah Reynolds

Holly Kirkpatrick

Jane Cockerill


The School Effectiveness Committee focusses upon curriculum, standards of attainment and achievement, children and staff’s welfare and well-being, SEND and Pupil Premium, finances and related policies.


Helen Barsham

Vice Chair

Holly Kirkpatrick


Jane Cockerill

Lisa Andrews

Deborah Reynolds

Governors also have the responsibility and accountability of holding a Link Governor role as follows.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Lisa Andrews

Children Missing in Education

Lisa Andrews


Holly Kirkpatrick

Health and Safety

Helen Barsham

Pupil Premium

Chris Sutton

Children in Care

Chris Sutton

Mental Health and Well-being

Lisa Andrews


Holly Kirkpatrick


Chris Sutton

Governors spend an average of 6 to 8 hours per school month on related activities including the meetings and preparatory reading.

For copies of minutes of governor meetings, please contact the clerk to governors on 


Full name

Appointed by

Start date

End date


Deborah Reynolds

Head Teacher




Lisa Andrews




Co-opted Governor

Christopher Robert Sutton




Local Authority Governor

Helen Barsham




Co-opted Governor

Holly Kirkpatrick

LGB 10/10/2022 10/10/2026 Co-opted Governor

Jane Cockerill

Norwood School 12/11/2023 12/11/2027 Staff Governor

Governor Bios

Lisa Andrews

Hi, my name is Lisa Andrews and I am Vice Chair of Governors.

Having worked for the BGL Group for 20 years my current role is an Apprenticeship Business Partner, during which I also qualified as a Mental Health First Aider. In my spare time, I volunteer as an Apprenticeship Ambassador working with the National Apprenticeship Service. 

With a wealth of experience in working with Children and Young Adults for 25 years, I'm passionate about supporting Norwood's strategic goals for the benefits of our children. 

I have been married for over 17 years and have 3 children and a very big dog called Bear. 

Jane Cockerill

My name is Jane Cockerill. I was appointed as Staff Governor in the Autumn of 2020 and I am employed at Norwood as Deputy Headteacher. I have worked at Norwood Primary since 2004 and during that time I have held numerous roles and taught all year groups. I am also the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and English Leader amongst several other roles across school.

I have a strong affection for Norwood and the values it holds. As a small school, we are a family and want the best for the pupils that attend Norwood. I feel very lucky to be part of a dedicated and hardworking staff team who constantly strive for excellence for our pupils.I have a passion for wanting all pupils to achieve their best, to be inspired to learn and to ensure that all pupils leave Norwood with happy memories of their primary education.

Outside of my work, I love reading, going to the theatre and enjoying family holidays at the seaside.

Helen Barsham

Helen Barsham is an experienced Headteacher of both primary and all through schools. An educator of 24 years and passionate about lifelong learning, Helen is currently about to submit an EdD / PhD on the topic of Primary Pupil Well-Being with the University of Cambridge.  Helen is married with two daughters, a dog (called Pluto), a cat (called Harry) and Humphrey the hamster.

Chris Sutton

Hi, my name is Chris Sutton and I am Chair of Governors and Chair of Resources Committee.

I currently work  for Cambridgeshire County Council within Governor Services. I have experience of Outdoors Education and the benefits this can bring for young people as well as experience working with Looked After Children and Care Leavers.

Holly Kirkpatrick

I have experience of working in both state and independent schools for the last twelve years. I am currently is in charge of teacher training at the University of Buckingham. My research interests lie in professional development for teachers and this is the focus of my PhD studies. Alongside the world of academia, I am a keen sportswoman and enjoy hockey and running.