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At Norwood Primary School, our intent in History is for children to be secure in their knowledge of both substantive content and disciplinary content.

Substantive content is the substance that pupils learn in each subject – the vocabulary and factual content, which is learnt through stories, descriptions, representations, reports, statistics and other sources.

Disciplinary content is all that pupils learn about how knowledge is constantly renewed in the subject’s ongoing development. This constant quest for better and better understandings of our world inspires both awe and humility in pupils. In History, pupils will: 

  • Use the concepts of continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance, in order to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses.
  • Practise the methods of historical enquiry, understand how evidence is used rigorously to make historical claims, and discern how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed.

Implementation – How is the curriculum being delivered?

Pupils explore Historical information and vocabulary through stories, descriptions, representations, pictures, reports and statistics. Pupils will also look closely at where this information comes from and how reliable it is through enquiry, argument and debate.

Pupils in Key Stage One will explore a range of significant people and events both within and beyond living memory. Pupils in Key Stage Two will continue to develop their understanding of chronology whilst learning about how Britain and the world has changed throughout History.

All learning in History will link to pupil’s previous and future learning in History, as well as learning in other subjects. Pupil’s will also explore the links between their locality and the History subject that they are learning about through trips, experience and local research. History learning at Norwood is closely linked to Geography learning, with close links to help children understand the where as well as the when.

Our KS2 curriculum uses planning and resources from Opening Worlds. To find out more about what Opening Worlds is and the rationale behind its curriculum, visit You will also be able to view resource examples here.

Impact - What difference is the curriculum making?

Pupils will build a wide and secure acquisition of vocabulary, with the range of vocabulary that pupils recognise growing all the time and being visited again and again, both consolidating that vocabulary and freeing up memory space for pupils to make sense of new content.

Pupils will be inspired to be curious about the world that they live in, develop their own sense of identity and think critically about how to change the world for the common good. Pupils will also view human challenges, quests and achievements through the lens of the long traditions that have shaped them, as well as developing their own sense of identity as they look across time, space and culture and see many positive versions of themselves.

Please see the Policy Page for further information on this subject.

Please see Curriculum Overview Page for further information on coverage across each year.

Useful History websites for children:

Learn all about the History of Peterborough and how it links to each subject

BBC KS1 History resources and videos

BBC KS2 History resources and videos

KS1 History lesson videos

KS2 History lesson videos

History rocks – Free videos, activities, games, songs and ideas

Kids museums