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Spring 1

Here is a helpful guide to what we will be learning this half-term. 

Our topic this term is….

'Toys Through Time'

We are looking forward to an exciting half term in Year One. We will be continuing to learn about what life was like in the past as we explore how toys have changed over time. In English, we will write stories about animals, which will link to our work in Science.

English – Monkey See, Monkey Do

The model text for this unit will be ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’. The children will practice verbally retelling the story and take part in drama activities to deepen their understanding of the events and key vocabulary. We will then write our own version of the story, inspired by ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch‘ by Ronda Armitage. We will be focusing on the opening and ending of the story and also on how to describe action within the story.

Key vocabulary: full stop, finger spaces, capital letters, verb, adverb, setting, time, day, opening, ending, time adverbial.  


Place Value (Within 20)

In our place value work, we will develop a deep understanding of each number from 10-20, look at how 10 can be represented as a one base 10 piece, explore how numbers to 20 can be seen as 1 ten and some ones, find 1 more or less than numbers to 20, use number lines to 20 to solve problems and make estimates, compare numbers to 20 and order numbers to 20.

Addition and Subtraction (within 20)

In our addition and subtraction work, we will explore addition by counting on from a given number within 20. We will use number bonds and related facts when adding within 20, as an alternative to counting on. We will explore number bonds to 20, drawing on our knowledge of number bonds to 10. We will learn about doubles and then use these facts to work out near doubles. We will subtract within 20, drawing on our knowledge of number bonds. We will build on the language of subtraction, recognising the subtraction symbol from earlier learning and using it within 20. We will learn about finding the difference and explore it as a form of subtraction. We will look at how addition and subtraction relate to each other, considering the addition and subtraction fact families for numbers within 20. 

Key vocabulary: before, after, full, tens, ones, base ten, greater, less, same, different, digit, more, less, first, last, estimate, half-way, greater than, less than, equal to, add, addition, number sentence, jump, count, count on, bar model, first, next, then, equal, tens, ones, fact, bond, double, near double subtract, part-whole, count back, difference, smaller, fact family, order, undo,1-digit number, 2-digit number, group, total.


Winter Planting

The children will explore plant growth. They will plant seeds and observe any changes in growth over the rest of the term. Due to the time of year, they will grow plants inside the classroom before transferring them outside and replanting when it is warmer. The children will identify and name the basic parts of a plant to help them use correct terminology when observing changes in their own plants.


In Science, we will be learning about different groups of animals such as mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. We will then use this knowledge to compare and group animals. We will also be learning about herbivores and carnivores.

Key vocabulary: animal, mammal, fur, pet, wild mammal, bird, wings, beak, webbed feet, feathers, flipper, fish, tail, scales, gills, fin, amphibian, frog, toad, newt, reptile, lizard, crocodile, turtle, carnivore, sharp teeth, herbivore, plant, vegetable, fruit, plant, leaf, flower, stem, roots, seed, soil.

Computing – Programming: Algorithms Unplugged

We will be using an unplugged approach to explore algorithms, decomposition and debugging in contexts that are familiar, such as dressing up and making a sandwich. We will be learning why instructions need to be very specific.

Key vocabulary: algorithm, bug, automatic, chunks, clear, code, debug, decompose, decomposition, device, directions, input, instructions, manageable, motion, order, organize, output, precise, programming, problem, robot, sensor, sequence, solution, specific, steps, tasks, virtual assistant.

Religion and Worldviews - Why should we care for the world? 

Building on their understanding of creation stories, the children will explore beliefs about the relationship between humans and nature. 

Key vocabulary: ahmisa, belief, bible, Brahma, Brahman, care, Christian, creation, creator, Earth, environment, gift, Hundu, Humanist, Jewish, mitzvot, ownership, qualities, responsibility, stewardship, Torah.

Design and technology – Making windmills

The children will design a windmill to meet the needs of the user following design criteria. They will explore how to make a stable structure and make functioning sails/blades to attach to the structure and improve their windmill as needed by evaluating it. 

Key vocabulary: base, centre, design, equal, evaluate, middle, rotate, rotor, rotor blades, sails, same, stable, strong, structure, test, weak, wind, windmill.

Music – Keeping the Pulse – My Favourite Things

The children will explore keeping the pulse together through music and movement, by exploring their favourite things. 

Key vocabulary: pulse, singing voice, thinking voice, speaking voice.

History – How have toys changed?

We will sequence toys into a physical timeline. We will have the opportunity to investigate artefacts from the past and begin to pose questions. We will learn how teddy bears have changed and ‘interview’ an old teddy bear before considering what toys may be like in the future. 

Key vocabulary: artefact, century, decade, different, evidence, living memory, memory, modern, now, past, present, remember, similar, source, special.

PSHE – Health and Wellbeing

The children will explore personal qualities, strategies to manage feelings, the impact of sleep and relaxation on wellbeing, the importance of hand washing, identifying and dealing with allergic reactions, people in the community who keep us healthy.

Key vocabulary: allergy, emotions, feelings, ill (poorly), qualities, relax.

PE - Multi-skills/Dance Party Games

Outdoor PE: Multi-skills

We will learn how to move in a forwards, backwards and curved pathway whilst moving in a variety of ways such as hopping or galloping. We will throw objects underarm, kick a ball towards a target and catch a ball whilst stationary with increasing accuracy. 

Key vocabulary: forwards, backwards, curved, run, hop, gallop, throw, underarm, kick, catch, accurate, aim.

Indoor PE: Dance Party Games

We will learn to copy a range of movements and repeat them back. We will practice performing movements at a range of speeds. We will be able to link two or three movements together. We will perform to a clear beat in a piece of music. We will listen to a piece of music and then improvise to it. We will perform a series of movements learnt in a group.

Key vocabulary: beat, rhythm, link, perform, copy, repeat, fast, slow, speed, improvise.

Important dates:

Teacher Training Day (children are not in school) – Monday 6th January 2025

Term begins – Tuesday 7th January 2025

Year 1 Toy Day (bring a toy to school) – Thursday 9th January 2025

Last day of the half term – Friday 14th February 2025