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Spring 2

Our learning in Year 4 will build upon prior knowledge and learning as well as delving into and exploring new topics and skills.


Pupils will be working this half-term towards writing a Non – Chronological report about a country of their choice. This ties in with our work on Tourism that we will be looking into within Geography. In order to complete this, pupils will carry out their own research to learn all about their chosen destination.


Many grammatical terms and features will be taught through our English lessons, but pupils will also take part in separate grammar lessons. Pupils will recap previous learning before moving on to learning and using new features, this includes apostrophes, subordinate clauses, pronouns and determiners.  


Bedrock will continue to be used to improve pupils’ vocabulary knowledge. Pupils will be given opportunities in class to complete lessons but the expectation for pupils to complete at least 2 lessons a week at home still remains.


Non-chronological report     research      inform    non-fiction     heading    subheadings    diagrams    paragraphs    information      facts    summary     introduction     

Guided Reading

Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference as well using their reading skills in other subjects across the curriculum. Pupils will focus in on a range of skills and using these in tandem in order to gain a full understanding of a text. There will also be a focus on the use of evidence when giving an opinion and will look at why authors choose to use certain vocabulary.


Inference    key words    background knowledge    summary    visualisation   evidence    justify     assume    predict       author’s choice    effect  


Pupils will start off the term looking at fractions. Within this topic, pupils will be looking at a range of areas such as tenths, equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and fractions of amounts. After this, pupils will move onto decimals which has already been introduced through Number and Lightning.

Every week pupils will complete a Number and Lightning and skills for this will be taught in addition to their daily Math’s lesson. Pupils who are already competent in various areas will further embed their understanding.

Times Tables will continue to be a huge focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. It is imperative that pupils are able to recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 in order to access all the curriculum. Pupils should also work on their times table at home.


Multiplication    division   divisor    product   fraction     denominator    numerator    vinculum       divisible      whole     part    share    equal    equivalent      quantity     decimal       tenth    hundredth    place value            

Other Subjects


We will be following Kapow for our Computing this term and will be focusing on HTML. Pupils will be using their previous learning to support their work within this module which include changing a HTML and CCS of a website in order to change its layout, text and images.


Website    HTML      CCS    layout    image      orientation     modify     code    content   copyright     hacker     hex code      internet browser     permission    script     URL


Economic wellbeing will be the focus for this half term – looking at value for money, the importance of keeping track and then looking after their money. In addition to this, pupils will look at how their choices and interests now can impact on their career choices and what happens when we change jobs.


Bank     Balance      spending     responsibility     bank statement      career     debit card      account      value      value for money        


Our topic within RE is Salvation – Why do Christians call the day that Jesus died, Good Friday? Within this topic they will be the Easter story, and Holy week. Pupils will look at in depth from the points of view of various people and will gain an understanding of why it holds such significance for Christians.


Christianity    Salvation     Holy Week       Resurrection    crucifix     disciples      Last Supper        Palm Sunday         


Pupils will take part in two PE lessons each week. One lesson will be focused on Dance and the other on Tennis.

Dance - pupils will be focusing on the Hand Jive and will learn a range of iconic dance moves that will link together to form a routine. Pupils will choreograph their own motifs using taught combinations and those that they have created. Continuing on from last half term pupils will learn and use a range of choreographic devices such as cannon to enhance their dance routines.


Dance    choreograph    beat    transition      rhythm    performance    rehearse     static    dynamic   counting    evaluate    improve   adapt    levels     speed    patterns    links    canon    gestures   sharp   smooth continuous    rigid   dynamics   cannon   choreography   motif

Tennis – Within Tennis, pupils will focus on the technique of the forehand and will look to use this consistently and competently in a small game situation. We will look at how we can use the space on the court to give us an advantage and use varying degrees of power to determine where the ball lands on the oppositions side of the court. The overall aim of this half term is to develop their ability to control and  influence the direction and distance that the ball travels.


Forehand    court    space    opponent    control   power    angle   distance   accuracy    placement     grip    rally    match    baseline   service box    serve   


In History, we will continue on our journey through time and look at Christianity in Three Empires. We will look at the rise of Christianity and how this was viewed and treated by the Romans. Pupils will also focus in on Emperor Constantine and the Byzantine Empire. The final area of focus will be the African Empire – Aksum.


Christianity     Bethlehem   three wise men   stable   miracles    forgiveness   converted   baptized   sins   shepherd    prosecution    Constantine   culture    mosaic    Huns   Empress Theodore    hippodrome    state   plateau   lowland   export   tucks    shipwreck    bishop    professor    sacred   


In Geography, we will be looking at Tourism. Within this topic, pupils will look at the different places people visit on holiday and the pros and cons of each one. Pupils will learn about key features of a range of holiday destinations and the different reasons why people choose to travel to different places.


Tourism    seaside   peer   amusements   promenade   paddle   deckchair   hut    hotel    guest house   caravan   skis   mountain   minimum    maximum    ski-slope    ski-lift    environment     airport    destination     mainland    travel agency    package holidays    agency    apartment    air pollution    services     economy    sustainability    ecotourism


The topic in French this half term is playground games as well learning having conversation about their ages. Pupils will learn a range of games based on counting and will be able to put these into practice during the lessons. We will unpick sentence structures and compare these to the matching sentence in English.


Un     deux   trois    quatre   cinq    six   sept    huit    neuf    dix   onze    douze    fait   plus     age   


This term, pupils will be looking to use of levers. Pupils will design a simple toy which is controlled by a lever. Pupils will have to plan and then evaluate their creation at the end of the process. This topic will see the pupils measuring, cutting, glueing, decorating and adapting their original plan if the need arises.


Equipment   structure    lever   toy    movement    evaluation   plan     design    audience    create   

Links to learning sites


Key dates:

Spring term starts back -  Monday 20th February 2023

World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March 2023

World Book Day Special Menu – Thursday 2nd March 2023

Consultation evening – Monday 6th March 2023 and Wednesday 8th March 2023

British Science Week – W/C Monday 13th March 2023

Red Nose Day – Friday 17th March 2023

Red Nose Day Special Menu – Friday 17th March 2023