Summer 1
Welcome to Summer term 1.
Independent short burst writing will allow the children to apply skills they have learned to date and proudly share.
Children will continue to use Bedrock in school to improve their vocabulary knowledge.
Model text – The Manor House (Pie Corbett) – Tale of Fear. Using the model text children will develop their writing skills to become effective writers and create a structured, atmospheric suspense story.
Through learning the story, children will explore plot, settings, characters and how they can use this information to infer and understand. They will build on their previous vocabulary learned. Children will learn about fronted adverbials and how changing them creates new ideas, they will also continue to develop their use of expanded noun phrases, verbs and commas in a list within their writing. Children will use drama to show different emotions and will learn how to use these emotions in their writing. We will discuss and describe different settings such as abandoned places, swamps and graveyards and share feelings they may experience if they were to visit these places.
Reading for Inference
Podkin One – Kieran Larwood
Pupils will continue with their work on reading for inference which was introduced last year. Pupils will focus in on the skills of breakdown and identifying VIP words. This will support the pupils when they lose the meaning of what they are reading and will help them to identify keywords, those that are important to understanding the meaning of the text. Alongside this, we will work hard on using evidence to support our opinions and facts and ensure that when we choose our evidence, that is appropriate and the best possible piece it can be.
Fluency, key word, important, specific, recover, meaning, relate, relationship, annotate, unpick, understand, evidence, relevant, accurate
Fractions, Money and Time
Children will start the term continuing to learn about adding and subtracting fractions, they will begin to learn about unit and non-unit fractions of a set amount and learn to reason with fractions of amounts. Learning will then focus on money which includes various skills such as converting between pounds and pence, adding and subtracting amounts and giving change. Finally, before the end of the half-term children we will start to look at time with a focus on telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and 1 minute and learn to read the time on a digital clock.
Children will continue to complete Number and Lightning weekly to develop their arithmetic skills. Number and Lightening gap tasks will be taught weekly to support this. Children who are competent in various areas will further embed their understanding through a series of deepening and enriching tasks.
Times tables is still a focus in class, with daily teaching and practice. Pupils should also work on their times' table at home. A great way to support this is the TT Rockstars app.
Partition, unit fractions, non-unit fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, money, change, pence, pounds, coins, notes, symbol, amount, analogue, digital, o’clock, quarter past, half past, past, to
Forces and Magnets
Pupils will compare how things move on different surfaces, they will learn how some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. We will look closely how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others and will group everyday materials accordingly.
Magnets, magnetic, non-magnetic, force, effects of forces, measure, movement on different surfaces, fair test, experiment, prediction, observation, discussion, comparison, conclusion
Creating media: Video trailers
Children will learn to describe the purpose of a trailer. They will create a storyboard for a book trailer, considering camera angles when taking photos or videos. They will import videos and photos into film editing software and record sounds and create text and add these to a video. Children will be incorporating transitions between images and eventually will evaluate their own and others’ trailers.
Application, camera angle, clip, cross blur, cross fade, cross zoom, desktop, digital device, directional wipe, edit, film software, graphics, device, import, sound effects, time code, trailer, transition, voice over.
Religious Education
By the end of this term, children will have learned and understood the following elements of The Gospel from the Bible. Children will learn how Christians believe Jesus challenges everyone about how to live and how he sets the example for loving God and your neighbour by putting others first. They will learn how Jesus shows love and forgiveness to unlikely people and how Christians try to be like Jesus and want to know him better. Children will learn how Christians try to put teaching and example into practice in lots of ways, from church worship to social justice.
God, Jesus, justice, worship, neighbour
Ancient Greece
This term’s History will build upon the children’s previous learning about the Greeks and Persia. We will explore the Peloponnesian War and the effects this had. We will explore literature and how the ancient Greeks loved to hear, write and watch stories (we call stories literature). The children will learn about Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristole. Children will also be shown architecture design and how it was used to build the Parthenon.
Democracy, citizens, vote, assembly, Pericles, Golden Age, declared war, Peloponnesian War, starve, plague, allies, Parthenon architecture, columns, scrolls, frieze, sculptures, pediment, spectators, chorus, masks, playwrights, Sophocles, tragedy, comedy, satire, gestures, literature, Homer, Odyssey, Odysseus, Sirens, mast, nymph, philosophy, wisdom, philosophers, Socrates, Plato
In Geography children will learn about volcanoes and how they are formed. Children will learn about what happens when a volcano erupts and they will have the opportunity to watch a model volcano erupt too. They will learn the name of different volcanoes and which ones are still active, dormant and extinct. Children will also gain an understanding of why people choose to be near dangerous volcanoes.
Surface, mantle, core, scientists, ocean crust, continental, iron, melted, volcano, active, dormant, erupting, molten, magma, lava, viscous, explosive, pressure, vent, magma chamber, composite, shield, Mount Etna, super volcano, solidify, Mount Bromo, crater, flow, plumes, destructive, endangered, evacuated
Modern Foreign Languages (French)
French transport
Children will learn how to use different strategies to work out the meaning of words. They will learn the french words for different forms of transport in written form. They will join in with songs using actions to aid and recall. They will form simple statements about pictures and build phrases with accurate pronunciation. They will learn to write simple sentences, including forming two different accents.
je vais – I go, je vais en - I am going by, è (accent grave) - grave accent, é (accent aigu) - acute accent, un autobus - a bus, un bateau- a boat, une moto - a motorbike, à pied – on foot, un vélo - a bicycle, une voiture - a car.
This term we will be learning to play the ukuleles by having external tuition from Peterborough Music Hub.
Pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, notation, pluck, head, neck, body, sound hole, tuning pegs, frets
Sculpture and 3D: Abstract shape and space
Children will explain the difference between 2D and 3D art. They will try out ways to make card shapes three dimensional, they will combine shapes together to make interesting free-standing structures that holds its shape. Children will draw a cardboard model from different angles, focusing on shapes in the positive and negative space to achieve an abstract effect. They will develop this by working cooperatively to plan an abstract sculpture based on play equipment. They will show how they have thought about how to improve their sculptures.
Abstract, found objects, negative space, positive space, sculptor, sculpture, structure, three-dimensional.
Tag Rugby
Children will learn to pass and receive the ball to another whilst on the move. they will learn to perform skills under pressure and use the space around them when playing tag rugby. They will be encouraged to change speed and direction and understand the importance of this. They will kick a lifted ball, perform overhead throws and over arm throws. Children will learn to keep the ball under control when dribbling and develop their team building and communication skills.
Overhead throw, over arm throw, opponents, pressure, tagging, handover, try, acceleration, horizontal, defending, attacking, interception
Running - Children will focus on arms and legs to improve sprint technique and taught to recognise and alter speed depending on distance. They will combine running and jumping with hurdles.
Throwing - Children will develop their confidence and technique in overarm throw and push throw using a shot put.
Jumping - Children will learn to take off and land on one and two feet and will take off for standing long jump. Children will learn to maintain height in flight of jump and land safely with bent knees and control.
Sprint, distance, hurdles, overarm, underarm, shot put, height in flight, compete
Links to learning sites
Key dates:
Summer term starts – Tuesday 18th April 2023
May Day – Monday 1st May 2023
Kings Coronation – Monday 8th May 2023
King Charles III special menu – Friday 5th May 2023
Provisional school trip – Rand Farm Park – Tuesday 23rd May 2023
Parent/Carer event – Thursday 25th May 2023 – 14.30 – 15.00
End of term – Friday 26th May 2023