Summer 2
Summer 2
The Anglo-Saxons
This term we will be writing a discussion text about a topic close to our hearts: the ocean. We will learn to recognise and use structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms. We will learn to use semicolons, colons and dashes to mark boundaries between independent clauses.
It is World Ocean Day on 8th June, when people around the world focus on raising awareness of our oceans.
Pupils should continue to use Bedrock at least twice a week at home to support with their vocabulary and grammar - it is also our aim to access this resource daily in school.
Vocabulary: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, clause, colon, semicolon, dashes, paragraph, rhetorical question, subjunctive voice, passive voice
Guided Reading - Reading for Inference
We will use a variety to texts - both fiction and non-fiction texts - to enable us to apply our learning to a range of question types, and to make links between different books and our own growing general. To link with this term’s theme of the Anglo-Saxons and our Geography learning on oceans, we will read texts that we build our understanding of this fascinating topics. We will continue to use text annotation as a method of exploring a text, and will build on our retrieval and inference reading skills. In order to support your child with both their grammar and reading at home, please use the following links:
This term we will continue learning about decimals, and will also focus on negative numbers, converting units and volume. We will be using Number and Lightning as the basis of our knowledge to support our arithmetic skills. Pupils will be taught operations in depth and will be tasked with using these in a variety of different contexts.
Vocabulary: decimal, decimal places, complements, negative number, multiples, convert, unit, kilogram (kg), kilometre (km), millimetres (mm), millilitres (ml), metre (m), metric, imperial, hours, minutes, seconds, cubic, volume, capacity
Homework will continue to be set via the MyMaths Website in conjunction with Seesaw. In order to support your child with their times table knowledge at home and with arithmetic in general, please use the following links:
Our final Science exploration in Year 5 will be on animals, including humans. We will describe the changes animals, including humans, experience as they develop to old age.
Vocabulary: life stages, life cycle, fertilisation, prenatal, gestation, reproduce, reproduction, infancy, childhood, adolescence, puberty, adulthood, life expectancy
The focus of our RSE learning this term is Safety and the Changing Body. We will consider online friendships, and staying safe online, drawing on our Computing learning. We will also learn about puberty, discussing emotional change in puberty and changes to the body, including menstruation. We will take about first aid, considering bleeding. Finally, we will discuss making choices about alcohol, drugs and tobacco
Vocabulary: puberty, genitals, menstruation, period, ovary/ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, scrotum, sperm duct, testicles/testes
History: Anglo-Saxon Britain
We will continue our journey through Britain’s history as we meet new invaders to its shores: Anglo-Saxons! We will learn about the invasion of Britain and subsequent migration to form a new kingdom. A highlight of our learning will be learning about Sutton Hoo.
Vocabulary: Picts, Scots, pillaged, Saxons, Germanic, Jutes, Angles, North Sea, pleas, Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxon, battle-axe, throwing axe, Frankish axe, head Britons, legends, overcome, migrating, migrate, chief, garnet, Sri Lanka, grave goods, conclude, amber, buckle, artefacts, high-born, nobleman, noblewoman, high-status, glassware, settle their differences, compensation, status, ranks, widowed, Augustine, overlord, Canterbury, monasteries, monks, scholarship, Bede, Hilda, missionary, missionaries, Columba, Easter, Synod of Whitby, Cynethryth, authority, Charters, Offa, worn on, trowel, unearthing, self-taught, earthen, mounds, rivet, meandering, silverware, helmet, decomposed
Here’s an interesting website to see and read more about the Anglo-Saxons:
Geography: Oceans
In Geography this term, we will be learning about our planet’s oceans. We will investigate oceans and seas. We will gain a better understating of the pivotal role oceans play in Earth’s climate, but also sadly how climate change is affecting oceans and the abundance of life therein. We will consider the impact of humans on our oceans. This learning will support our Literacy work on discussion writing. It is World Ocean Day on 8th June, when people around the world focus on raising awareness of our oceans.
Vocabulary: Atlantic Ocean, World Ocean, Pacific Ocean, north pole, south pole, nearly enclosed, salinity, transported, trade, maritime trade, manufactured goods, quantities, freight, maritime shipping routes, ocean currents, warm currents, cold currents, gyres, phytoplankton, Atlantic coast, oceanic earthquakes, tsunami, Caribbean, hurricanes, wind, stream, regulates, fossil fuels, Aral Sea drift-net fishing, marine life
Here’s an interesting website to visit to see and read more about oceans:
Our R.E. learning this term will focus on exploring a new Big Question: Why do some people believe in God, and others not? We will consider religious and non-religious responses to the idea of a God. This will build on our previous R.E. learning about God in other world religions, and also our learning about Humanists, when we consider a non-religious perspective.
Vocabulary: theist, theism, atheist, atheism, agnostic, agnosticism, humanist, humanism
We will have all of our PE lessons outdoors in Summer 2. This term, we will be playing Ultimate Frisbee, and will have expert coaches coming to support our learning. We will also be playing Danish Long ball. We will be working on our ball throwing and catching techniques. In Summer 2, Year 5 have a wonderful opportunity to learn to be play leaders for younger pupils. Once we have practised our coaching skills, we will be helping to run a Year 1 PE festival on our school field
Vocabulary: Ultimate Frisbee, air bounce, forehand, backhand, grip, boundary, Danish Long Ball, bowler, batter, fielder, kicker
Computing: Online Safety
In Computing, we will continue our Online Safety during our class assembly time. We will consider online protection, online communication, online reputation, online bullying, and online health.
Vocabulary: accurate information, advice, Apps, App permissions, application, bullying, communication, emojis, health, in-app purchases, information, judgement, memes, mental health, mindfulness, mini-biography, online communication, opinion, organisation, password, personal information, positive contributions, private information, real world, strong password, summarise, support, trusted adult, wellbeing
In our art lessons in Summer 2, our learning will focus on craft and design about architecture. We will learn about observational sketching, and use composition skills to develop sketches into prints. We will learn about architects and architecture, using this knowledge to design buildings of our own.
Vocabulary: built environment, commemorate, composition, crop, design, design brief, design intention, elevation, evaluate, external, form, futuristic, individuality, interpret, legacy, literal, monoprint, monument, observational drawing, organic, perspective, pressure
D & T
This term in D&T, we will be celebrating culture and seasonality through cooking. We will research what is in season locally to us here at Norwood Primary, and will plan and make a healthy, tasty dish featuring seasonal ingredients.
Vocabulary: seasonality, culture, healthy, local, sustainability, recipe, ingredients
This term, we will be learning about the circle of life, which will build on our Science learning in Summer 1. We will learn about animals,
Vocabulary: les animaux – the animals, le/la/l’ – the, où est? – where is ? , dans – in, il/elle habite – he/she/it lives, la jungle – the jungle, la désert – the desert, la forêt – the forest, la savane – the savannah, la mer – the sea, l’étang – the pond
Our music learning this term will focus on South and West African music. We will learn to sing, play and dance to a traditional song sung in Ndebele, the language spoken by the Bantu people.
Vocabulary: chord, chord progression, major chords, break, call and response, a cappella, soloist, duo
Important dates for this term:
Term begins: 06/06/23
World Oceans Day: 08/06/23
Country Dancing Competition: 08/06/23
End of Year PiXL testing: sessions during weeks beginning 12/06/23 and 19/06/23
Cambridgeshire Police career visiting Y5: 13/06/23
National Sports Week: 20/06/23 – 25/06/23
PE ‘Boxercise’: 20/06/23
Summer Fayre: 28/06/23
End of Year disco: 10/07/23
End of Year pupil reports issued: 11/07/23
Move Up to Year 6 day: 13/07/23
England Ladies football themed menu: 18/07/23
End of term: 19/07/23